Ford 1999 Taurus Automobile User Manual

Maintenance and Care
Service Made Easy
Ford has two goals for servicing your vehicle.
1. When we can, we design parts that do not
need to be serviced.
2. We want to make servicing your vehicle as
easy as possible. To help you:
We highlight do-it-yourself items in yellow in
the engine compartment so that you can find
them easily.
When possible, we design parts that can be
replaced without tools.
We give you a Maintenance Schedule that
makes tracking routine service for your vehicle
easy. The maintenance schedule is located in
the Maintenance Schedule booklet.
This chapter tells you about the basic parts that you
need to check and service regularly.
If your vehicle needs professional servicing, your
dealership can provide the parts and service
required. Check your Warranty Information Booklet
to find out which parts and services are covered.
Also see the Customer Assistance chapter of this
Owner Guide.
Ford Motor Company recommends that the Owner
Maintenance Checks listed in the Maintenance
Schedule booklet be performed for the proper
operation of your vehicle. In addition to the
conditions listed in the Owner Maintenance
Checklist, be alert for any unusual noise, vibration,
or other indication that your vehicle may need
service. If you do notice something unusual, see
that your vehicle is serviced promptly.
Update:Thu Jun 20 14:28:32 1996