
To see details including name, points and distance to or from each point:
On the Routes Page , select a route from the Route List.
2. On the Route Preview Screen , select “DETAILS.”
The Route Details Screen will appear
. From this screen, you can edit the route (see “Editing a Route,” below.)
Editing a Route:
To insert a point into a route:
1. On the Routes Page , select a route from the Route List.
2. On the Route Preview Screen , select “DETAILS.”
3. On the Route Details Screen , select the point that will come immediately before the one you want to add.
4. On the Edit Route Menu, select “Insert Point” .
5. Using the Find Screen , find and select the waypoint, city, point of interest, address, intersection or exit you
want in the route (see “Waypoints,” page 32; “Cities,” page 39; “Points of Interest,” page 44; “Addresses,”
page 50; “Intersections,” page 54; “Exits,” page 58.)
An updated Route Details Screen will appear.
To remove a point from a route:
1. On the Routes Page , select a route from the Route List.
2. On the Route Preview Screen , select “DETAILS.”
3. On the Route Details Screen, select the point that you want to remove .
4. On the Edit Route Menu, select “Remove Point” .
An updated Route Details Screen will appear.
Routes Page
Route Preview
Route Details
Edit Route Options
Find Screen