NAVIGATION TOOLS Points of Interest
ẄFind Screen
ẅPoints of Interest Categories
and Subcategories
ẆPOI Options
To sort the POI List for a select POI by nearest to your current location or by the POI you
last selected:
On the Find Screen Ẅ, select “POINTS OF INTEREST.”
2. On the Points of Interest Category List, select type of POI for which you are searching ẅ.
3. If an option, select a subcategory for the type of POI for which you are searching Ẇ.
4. Choose from the following:
• On the POI Options Menu, select “Nearest” to sort the POI List by the nearest POI to your current location
• On the POI Options Menu, select “Last Selected” to sort the POI List by most recently selected POI
5. Select a POI.
6. Continue your previous activities.
ẇSort by Nearest
ẈSort by Last Selected