Apollo CNX80 Pilot’s Guide
The following annunciations appear on the display to provide status or
information. All annunciations are available on the display. Annuncia-
tions may be output to external annunciators, but are not required.
Annunciation Description
GPS Indicates when GPS is being used as the source.
Appears in lower left corner of the display.
VOR/ILS/LOC Indicates when VOR/ILS/LOC is being used as the
source. Appears in lower left corner of the display.
ENR Appears to the right of the “GPS” annunciator when in
En Route mode.
TER Appears to the right of the “GPS” annunciator when
performing approach navigation within 30 nm of
departure or arrival airport.
APPR Appears to the right of the “GPS” annunciator when
GPS approach is active.
LOI “LOI” (Loss of Integrity) appears on the left side of the
map display when WAAS/GPS detects a position error
or is unable to calculate the integrity of the position.
BC The Back Course annunciation appears to the right of
“LOC” when the Back Course Localizer mode is enabled.
DR The Dead Reckoning annunciator appears on the left
side of the map display when GPS position is lost and
the CNX80 is in Dead Reckoning mode. Dead Reckon-
ing mode will continue until GPS position is restored
or the first Pilot Nav leg is reached.
PTK The Parallel Track annunciator appears in the lower
left corner of the display when parallel track is active.
SUSP Suspend annunciation appears in the lower left cor-
ner of the display when automatic sequencing of way-
points in the active flight plan is suspended.
M Message annunciation appears in the lower left cor-
ner of the display when a message is available for
viewing. A blinking “M” indicates a new message.
VTF Vector To Final annunciation appears in the lower left
corner of the display when “Vector To Final” is active.
CNX80 Pilot Guide 560-0984-00C Draft1.book Page 5 Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:36 AM