
Live Mode - Send/Receive Messages
To send a message to the driver, click the Send Message button on the tool bar or right click
on the vehicle and select Send Message from the pop-up window.
Click just below the Standard Response Buttons, and begin typing.
The Standard Response Buttons are included in every message and are described in detail
in Driving with Live - Receiving Messages (p. 70).
You have complete control over the Customizable Response Buttons:
1) Choose to display 1-4 buttons by clicking the corresponding number at the bottom
of the screen.
2) To change the text of each button, just click on a button and start typing. The driver
will see whatever text you enter and when the driver responds, the text of the button
he or she selects will be sent back to you.
Once you have typed your message and specified your Customizable Response Buttons,
click the Send button to send your message to the driver.
- 64 -
Text to Send
Send Button
Changes Number of Customizable
Response Buttons
Standard Response
Response Buttons