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Click your cursor in the space just below the Standard Response Buttons, and begin
typing. The Standard Response Buttons are included in every message and are described in
detail in Driving with Live - Receive/Respond To Messages (p. 77).
You have complete control over the Customizable Response Buttons:
1) Choose to display 1-4 buttons by clicking the corresponding number at the bottom of the
2) Change the text of each button — the driver will see whatever text you enter and when
the driver responds, the text of the button will be sent back to you.
Once you have typed your message and specified your Customizable Response Buttons, click
the Send button to send your message to the driver. When the driver responds to your
message, the response is displayed in the Message Center:
Clicking on the Advanced tab of the Send Message window will expand the view. From the
Advanced view you can save frequently used message text and button layouts that you can
recall for future messages.
Message and Driver’s Response
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Live Mode - Send Trip Itinerary Updates
To send a Trip Itinerary Update to the driver, click the New Trip button on the toolbar and
create a trip itinerary in the Trip Planner window just as you would in Planning Mode
(see p. 55).
Then click the Send button:
In the Send Trip Confirmation window you can specify whether you want the new trip
itinerary to replace the driver's existing trip, add as the next stop(s) in the driver's current
itinerary, or add as the last stop(s) in the driver's current itinerary. Click OK to send the trip
NOTE: CoPilot Live always uses the driver's current location as the start point for giving
route guidance.
Trip Planner Window
Send Button
Send Trip