PinPoint-E EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 72
AT Commands: Information and Status
The current host mode (AT, PPP, UDP, etc.). If the PinPoint-E is not in AT mode, telnet into the modem to
execute this command.
The EDGE or GPRS network bit error rate.
The current IP address of the modem reported by the embedded OEM module (generally
obtained from Your Wireless Service Provider your cellular carrier). This is the address to
which packets can be sent in order to contact the
PinPoint-E modem from the Internet.
Use *NETALLOWZEROIP if you need to allow the display of an IP ending in a zero .
Note: If there is no current network IP, may be displayed.
The current cellular carrier (for example, Your Wireless Service Provider) from the modem's
firmware version.
The modem's phone number (if applicable or obtainable).
The current RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) of the PinPoint-E as a negative dBm
The same information is displayed with the command S202?.
The type of service being used by the modem (for example EDGE/GPRS).
The current network state:
• Connecting To Network
The PinPoint-E is in the process of trying to connect to the EDGE/GPRS network.
• Network Authentication Fail
Authentication to the EDGE/GPRS network has failed. Verify settings to activate the PinPoint-E.
• Data Connection Failed
The PinPoint-E failed to connect, and it is now waiting a set time interval before it attempts
to reconnect.
Verify settings to activate the PinPoint-E.