Airlink EDGE/GPRS GPS Receiver User Manual

PinPoint-E EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 50
Global Positioning System (GPS)
FIGURE 26. Wireless Ace: NMEA Local Reports
1. Set the port (S53) to the local port to which you want the reports sent. The local IP will auto-
matically be used. S53, in Wireless Ace, is part of the Misc menu option.
2. Set the ATS Local Report Type (*PPLATSR) to your preferred NMEA sentence format.
E0 - Output the GGA and VTG sentences.
E1 - Output the GGA, RMC, and VTG sentences.
3. Set Local ATS Reporting Time Interval (*PPLATS) to the number of seconds you want as an
interval between reports being sent.
TAIP Emulation Configuration
The TAIP emulation functionality allows the PinPoint-E to operate in a limited manner with clients
which only understand the Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP).This emulation is enabled by
setting the GPS report format, directing the modem to listen for TAIP messages, and disabling Air
Link Binary/ATS formatted messages. For the message format descriptions, refer to page 138.
TAIP Messages Over-the-Air (Remote)
To configure the PinPoint-E to send TAIP reports to a remote server, you will need to set 3 com-
mands: *PPIP, *PPPORT, and *PPGPSR.
FIGURE 27. Wireless Ace: TAIP Remote Reports
1. Set the IP (*PPIP) and port (*PPPORT) to the IP and port of the TAIP server.
2. Set GPS Report Type (*PPGPSR) to F0-TAIP data.
Note: Unlike standard TAIP which simply sends to the last client to request auto-
matic reports, the remote reports are sent to the destination address (*PPIP) and
destination port (*PPPORT).
F0-TAIP data