PinPoint-E EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 37
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The GPS data is then transmitted to a central location which uses a tracking application to compile
information about location, movement rates, and other pertinent data.
AirLink Remote Access Protocol (RAP)
The AirLink Remote Access Protocol (RAP) is a proprietary binary message format. The Pin-
Point-E uses the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to communicate with the host server. RAP was
originally designed to work specifically with AirLink Tracking System (ATS), but other 3rd party
applications have been developed to take advantage of the RAP messaging format.
Examples of tracking applications using RAP:
• Air-Trak
• TrackStar
• CompassCom
• Zoll Data
• Spillman
• and others...
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA)
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) is a protocol by which marine instruments and
most GPS receivers can communicate with each other. NMEA defines the format of many different
GPS message (sentence) types, which are intended for use by navigational equipment.
Example of a tracking application using NMEA:
• Microsoft Streets and Trips
Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP)
Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP) is a digital communication interface based on printable
ASCII characters over a serial data link. TAIP was designed specifically for vehicle tracking appli
cations but has become common in a number of other applications, such as data terminals and por-
table computers, because of its ease of use.
Example of a tracking application using TAIP:
• DeLorme Street Atlas USA
Note: Depending on the location of the satellites in relation to the modem’s loca-
tion and how many signals are being received, the PinPoint-E may encounter
“GPS drift”. The PinPoint-E may report it is in a location a few feet from its actual
location because it does not employ differential GPS.