
PinPoint-E EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 24
Data Communication and Host Modes
FIGURE 3. Wireless Ace: Telnet Configuration
If you need to change the port for Telnet (for example, you have the default port blocked on your
firewall), the option is on the Other tab. The default telnet port is 2332. You can also change the
Telnet timeout, if the connection is idle, default 2 minutes.
FIGURE 4. Wireless Ace: Telnet Configuration
PPP Mode
In PPP mode, the PinPoint-E acts as a PPP server, providing an IP address, and DNS servers (if
available) to the Host. PPP mode is entered from the AT mode by using any of the following com
In response to any of the preceding commands, the modem will respond with CONNECT a car-
riage return and new line and is ready for the host to begin PPP negotiations. The IP received by
the host in the resulting negotiation will either be a private (non-routable) IP address or a public
(network-routable) IP address provided by the network, depending on the settings of *HOST
PRIVMODE. If *HOSTPRIVMODE=1, the value of the private IP address can be determined
beforehand by querying S110. The private IP address to be used can be defined with the command
AT*HOSTPRIVIP= substituting the desired IP address.