PinPoint-E EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 44
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The RAP messages are in Hex and are referred to by their message ID.
GPS Reports
0x11 Simple GPS Report - Report contains GPS latitude and longitude in 1/100,000 degrees,
GPS velocity in kilometers/hour, GPS Direction in 2 degree increments, UTC time (but not
date), GPS satellite count and quality, and optional data.
0x12 Simple GPS Report with the addition of the UTC date.
0x13 Simple GPS Report with the addition of the UTC date and including radio frequency data
with the GPS point.
0x20-0x23 indicate the state changes of either the RTS or DTR (See “Store and Forward for
RAP” on page 46.) in addition to the same data as in an 0x12 report.
0x24-0x2B indicate the state changes of the COM1000 inputs (See “COM1000 Event Reports”
on page 46.) in addition to the same data in an 0x12 or 0x13 report.
Power Reports
0x10 Power Up Report - Sent by the modem when it is powered up (either as a result of being
power cycled or with a software reset).
0x30 Power Sleep Report - Sent by the modem when it is about to power down into a low-
power state (not supported in some early PinPoint models).
0x31 Power Wakeup Report - Sent by the modem when it is returned to a full power state from
a low-power state (not supported in some early PinPoint models)
Additional RAP Features
RAP allows additional information to be sent with the reports to enable a richer tracking feature
set. Configure RAP as you would normally for remote or local reports (
See “RAP Configuration”
on page 42.).
Device ID
By enabling *PPDEVID, the device ID is sent as part of the RAP message to make identification
easier in a network or fleet of vehicles equipped with PinPoint-E modems.
FIGURE 13. Wireless Ace: *PPDEVID
Note: It is recommended to use Report type 0x12 or 0x13 when Store and Forward
page 46) is enabled.
Caution: If the PinPoint-E is using a dynamic IP, *PPDEVID needs to be enabled.