SSL VPN > Server Settings
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
SSL VPN > Server Settings
The SSL VPN > Server Settings page is used to configure details of the SonicWALL security
appliance’s behavior as an SSL VPN server.
The following options can be configured on the SSL VPN > Server Settings page.
• SSL VPN Status on Zones: This displays the SSL VPN Access status on each Zone.
Green indicates active SSL VPN status, while red indicates inactive SSL VPN status. To
enable or disable SSL-VPN access on a zone, click on the zone name to jump to the Edit
Zone window.
• SSL VPN Port: Set the SSL VPN port for the appliance. The default is 4433.
• Certificate Selection: Select the certificate that will be used to authenticate SSL VPN
users. To manage certificates, go to the Network > Certificates page.
• Enable Server Cipher Preference: Select this checkbox to configure a prefered cipher
method. The available ciphers are RC4_MD5, 3DES_SHA1, and AES256_SHA1.
• RADIUS User Settings: This option is only available when either RADIUS or LDAP is
configured to authenticate SSL VPN users. Select the Use RADIUS in checkbox to have
RADIUS use MSCHAP (or MSCHAPv2) mode. Enabling MSCHAP-mode RADIUS will allow
users to change expired passwords at login time.
Note In LDAP, password updates can only be done when using either Novell eDirectory or Active
Directory with TLS and binding to it using an administrative account. If LDAP is not
configured as such, password updates for SSL VPN users will be performed using
MSCHAP-mode RADIUS, after using LDAP to authenticate the user.