Network > MAC-IP Anti-Spoof
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Spoof Detect List
The Spoof Detect List displays devices that failed to pass the ingress anti-spoof cache check.
Entries on this list can be added as a static anti-spoof entry. To do this, click on the pencil icon,
under the “Add” column, for the desired device. An alert message window will open, asking if
you wish to add this static entry. Click “OK” to proceed, on “Cancel” to return to the Spoof
Detected List.
Entries can be flushed from the list by clicking the “Flush” button. The name of each device can
also be resolved using NetBios, by clicking the “Resolve” button.
Users can identify a specific device(s) by using the table “Filter” function.
To identify a device, users must fill in the available field, specifying either the device’s IP
address, iface, MAC address, or name. The field must be filled using the appropriate syntax for