User Management
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Customize Login Pages
SonicOS now provides the ability to customize the text of the login authentication pages that
are presented to users. Administrators can translate the login-related pages with their own
wording and apply the changes so that they take effect without rebooting.
Although the entire SonicOS interface is available in different languages, sometimes the
administrator does not want to change the entire UI language to a specific local language.
However, if the firewall requires authentication before users can access other networks, or
enables external access services (e.g. VPN, SSL-VPN), those login related pages usually
should be localized to make them more usable for typical users.
The Customizable Login Page feature provides the following functionality:
• Keeps the style of original login by default
• Allows administrators to customize login related pages
• Allows administrators to use the default login related pages as templates
• Allows administrators to save customized pages into system preferences
• Allows administrators to preview their changes before saving to preferences
• Presents customized login related pages to typical users
The following login-related pages can be customized:
• Admin Preempt
• Login Authentication
• Logged Out
• Login Full
• Login Disallowed
• Login Lockour
• Login Status
• Guest Login Status
• Policy Access Barred
• Policy Access Down
• Policy Access Unavailable
• Policy Login Redirect
• Policy SSO Probe Failure
• User Password Update
• User Login Message
To customize one of these pages, perform the following steps:
1. On the Users > Settings page, scroll down to the Customize Login Pages section.
2. Select the page to be customized from the Select Login Page pulldown menu.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Default to load the default content for the page.
4. Edit the content of the page.