SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
The behavior of the Tooltips can be configured on the System > Administration page.
Tooltips are enabled by default. To disable Tooltips, uncheck the Enable Tooltip checkbox.
The duration of time before Tooltips display can be configured:
• Form Tooltip Delay - Duration in milliseconds before Tooltips display for forms (boxes
where you enter text).
• Button Tooltip Delay - Duration in milliseconds before Tooltips display for radio buttons
and checkboxes.
• Text Tooltip Delay - Duration in milliseconds before Tooltips display for UI text.
Navigating Dynamic Tables
In the SonicOS dynamic user interface, table statistics and log entries now dynamically update
within the user interface without requiring users to reload their browsers.You can navigate
tables in the management interface with large number of entries by using the navigation buttons
located on the upper right top corner of the table.
The table navigation bar includes buttons for moving through table pages.