Network > Interfaces
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Use the Bandwidth Management section of the Edit Interface screen to enable or disable the
ingress and egress bandwidth management. Egress and Ingress available link bandwidth can
be used to configure the upstream and downstream connection speeds in kilobits per second.
Note The Bandwidth Management settings are applied to all interfaces in the WAN zone, not just
to the interface being configured.
• Enable Egress Bandwidth Management - Enables outbound bandwidth management.
Available Interface Egress Bandwidth (Kbps) - Specifies the available bandwidth for
WAN interfaces in Kbps.
• Enable Ingress Bandwidth Management - Enables inbound bandwidth management.
• Available Interface Ingress Bandwidth (Kbps) - Specifies the available bandwidth for WAN
interfaces in Kbps
If you are configuring the WAN interface with a PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP IP Assignment, a
Protocol tab appears in the WAN interface configuration window. Depending on the protocol
selected, settings acquired and client settings can be configured. Perform the steps below to
configure the Protocol settings:
Step 1 In the Settings Acquired section, enter your SonicWALL IP Address, Subnet Mask (PPPoE
only), Gateway Address, DNS Server1, and DNS Server2.
Step 2 If you are using PPTP or L2TP, click the OK button. Your Protocol configuration is complete.