VPN > Settings
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• Packets Out: The number of packets sent out from this tunnel.
• Bytes In: The number of bytes received from this tunnel.
• Bytes Out: The number of bytes sent out from this tunnel.
• Fragmented Packets In: The number of fragmented packets received from this tunnel.
• Fragmented Packets Out: The number of fragmented packets sent out from this tunnel.
For detailed information on configuring VPNs in
SonicOS Enhanced, see:
• “Configuring GroupVPN Policies” section on page 879
• “Site-to-Site VPN Configurations” section on page 890
• “Creating Site-to-Site VPN Policies” section on page 890
• “VPN Auto-Added Access Rule Control” section on page 910
Configuring GroupVPN Policies
SonicWALL GroupVPN facilitates the set up and deployment of multiple SonicWALL Global
VPN Clients by the SonicWALL security appliance administrator. GroupVPN is only available
for SonicWALL Global VPN Clients and it is recommended you use XAUTH/RADIUS or third
party certificates in conjunction with the Group VPN for added security.
For more information on the SonicWALL Global VPN Client, see the SonicWALL Global VPN
Client Administrator’s Guide.
The default GroupVPN configuration allows you to support SonicWALL Global VPN Clients
without any further editing of the VPN policy, except to check the Enable box for GroupVPN in
the VPN Policies table.
SonicWALL supports four GroupVPN policies. You can create GroupVPN policies for the DMZ,
LAN, WAN, and WLAN zones. These GroupVPN policies are listed in the VPN policies tables
as WAN Group VPN, LAN GroupVPN, DMZ GroupVPN, and WLAN GroupVPN. For these
GroupVPN policies, you can choose from IKE using Preshared Secret or IKE using 3rd Party
Certificates for your IPsec Keying Mode.
Tip You can easily create GroupVPN policies using the VPN Policy Wizard. For complete step-
by-step instructions on using the VPN Policy Wizard, see “Wizards > VPN Wizard” on
page 1417.
Note See the GroupVPN Setup in SonicOS Enhanced technote on the SonicWALL
documentation Web site http://www.sonicwall.com for more GroupVPN configuration
SonicOS supports the creation and management of IPsec VPNs.