Dashboard > Real-Time Monitor
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Options are available to customize the Display, Scale, and View of the Ingress and Egress
Bandwidth interface.
Rolling over the interfaces provides tooltips with information about the interface assigned zone,
IP address, and current port status.
Option Widget Description
Interface Rate
Specifies which Interfaces are displayed in the
Bandwidth Flow Chart.
A drop menu provides the administrator with
options to specify All Interfaces Rate, All
Interfaces, and individual interfaces.
The individual interfaces vary depending on the
number of interfaces on the administrator’s
network. Multiple interfaces can be selected if
Scale Allows for Auto Y-Scaling or custom scaling of
the Bandwidth Flow Chart.
The values for customized scaling must be a
numeric integer. Specifying a unit is optional. If a
unit is desired, four options are available:
• K for Kilo.
• M for Mega.
• G for Giga.
• % for percentage.
If a custom scale of 100Kbps is desired, then
“100K” should be entered. The numeric integer
100 is entered followed by the unit K.
Bar Graph
Displays the real-time Bandwidth data in a bar
graph format.
Flow Chart
Displays the real-time Bandwidth data in a flow
chart format.