Wireless > Virtual Access Point
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Enabling the Virtual Access Point Group
After your VAPs are configured and added to a VAP group, that group must be specified in the
Wireless > Settings page in order for the VAPs to be available through your internal wireless
radio. The default group is called Internal AP Group.
After this selection has been made and applied.
VAP Sample Configuration
This section provides configuration examples based on real-world wireless needs. This section
contains the following subsections:
• “Configuring a VAP for School Faculty Access” section on page 507
Configuring a VAP for School Faculty Access
You can use a VAP for a set of users who are commonly in the office, on campius, and to whom
should be given full access to all network resources, providing that the connection is
authenticated and secure. These users would already belong to the network’s Directory
Service, Microsoft Active Directory, which provides an EAP interface through IAS – Internet
Authentication Services. This section contains the following subsection:
• “Configuring a Zone” section on page 507
• “Creating a New Wireless Subnet” section on page 509
• “Creating the Wireless VAP” section on page 510
Configuring a Zone
In this section you will create and configure a new corporate wireless zone with SonicWALL
UTM security services and enhanced WiFiSec/WPA2 wireless security.
Step 1 Log into the management interface of your SonicWALL UTM appliance.
Step 2 In the left-hand menu, navigate to the Network > Zones page.
Step 3 Click the Add... button to add a new zone.