Application Control
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Figure 49:13 shows the Create Rule window displayed over the Dashboard > App Flow Monitor
Figure 49:13Dashboard > App Flow Monitor Page with Create Rule Window
The Create Rule feature is available from App Flow Monitor on the list view page setting. The
Create Rule button is visible, but disabled, on the pie chart and graphical monitoring views.
You can configure the following types of policies in the Create Rule window:
• Block – the application will be completely blocked by the firewall
• Bandwidth Manage – choose one of the BWM levels to use Global Bandwidth Management
to control the bandwidth used by the application no matter which interface it traverses
Note Bandwidth management must be enabled on each interface where you want to
use it. You can configure interfaces from the Network > Interfaces page.
• Packet Monitor – capture packets from the application for examination and analysis
After you select the desired action for the rule and then click Create Rule within the Create Rule
window, an App Control policy is automatically created and added to the App Rules Policies
table on the Firewall > App Rules page.
The Create Rule window contains a Configure button next to the Bandwidth Manage section
that takes you to the Firewall Settings > BWM page where you can configure the Global Priority
Queue. For more information about global bandwidth management and the Firewall Settings >