Network > MAC-IP Anti-Spoof
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Once the settings have been adjusted, the interface’s listing will be updated on the MAC-IP
Anti-Spoof panel. The green circle with white check mark icons denote which settings have
been enabled.
Note The following interfaces are excluded from the MAC-IP Anti-Spoof list: Non-ethernet
interfaces, port-shield member interfaces, Layer 2 bridge pair interfaces, high availability
interfaces, and high availability data interfaces.
Anti-Spoof Cache
The MAC-IP Anti-Spoof Cache lists all the devices presently listed as “authorized” to access
the network, and all devices marked as “blacklisted” (denied access) from the network. To add
a device to the list, click the Add button.
A window is now displayed that allows for manual entry of the IP and MAC addresses for the
device. Enter the information in the provided fields. You may also select to approve or blacklist
the routing device. Checking the router setting allows all traffic coming from behind this device.
Blacklisting the device will cause packets to be blocked from this device, irrespective of its IP
address. Once your entries have been made, click OK to return to the main panel.