Network > Failover & Load Balancing
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
General Tab
To configure the Group Member Rank settings, click the Configure icon of the Group you wish
to configure on the Network > Failover & LB page. The General tab screen displays.
The General tab allows the user to do modify the following settings:
• Display name—Edit the display name of the Group
• Type (or method) of LB—Choose the type of LB from the dropdown list (Basic Active/
Passive Failover, Round Robin, Spillover-Based, or Percentage-Based).
Basic Active/Passive Failover—The four WAN interfaces use ‘rank’ to determine the
order of preemption when the Preempt checkbox has been enabled. Only a higher-
ranked interface can preempt an Active WAN interface.
Round Robin—This option now allows the user to re-order the WAN interfaces for
Round Robin selection. The order is as follows: Primary WAN, Alternate WAN #1,
Alternate WAN #2, and Alternate WAN #3; the Round Robin will then repeat back to the
Primary WAN and continue the order.
Spillover—The bandwidth threshold applies to the Primary WAN. Once the threshold
is exceeded, new traffic flows are allocated to the Alternates in a Round Robin manner.
Once the Primary WAN bandwidth goes below the configured threshold, Round Robin
stops, and outbound new flows will again be sent out only through the Primary WAN.
Note that existing flows will remain associated with the Alternates (since they are
already cached) until they timeout normally.
Ratio—There are now four fields so that percentages can be set for each WAN in the
LB group. To avoid problems associated with configuration errors, please ensure that
the percentage correctly corresponds to the WAN interface it indicates.
• Add/delete member interfaces—Members can be added by selecting a displayed
interface from the “Group Members:” column, and then clicking the Add>> button. Note that
the interface listed at the top of the list is the Primary. Members can be deleted from the
“Selected:” column by selecting the displayed interface, and then clicking the Remove>>