Anti-Spam > LDAP Configuration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
5. Add the NetBIOS domain name(s) to the Domains section, separating multiple domains
with a comma.
6. Click Save Changes to finish.
Conversion Rules
certain LDAP servers, such as Lotus Domino, some valid email addresses do not appear in
the LDAP. The Conversion Rules section changes the way the SonicWALL Email Security
appliance interprets certain email addresses, providing a way to map the email address to the
LDAP Server. Click the View Rules button to bring up the LDAP Mappings dialog box.
Select the LDAP Server you are using from the dropdown list, then click Go. You can filter the
search also by the following:
Domain Mappings
domain is—Adds additional mappings from one domain to another
• replace with—Replaces the domain with the one specified
• also add—Adds the second domain to the list of valid domains
left side character is—Adds character substitution mappings
• replace with—Replaces the character specified in all characters to the left of the
“@” sign in the email address
• also add—Adds a second email address to the list of valid email addresses
Click the Add Mapping button to finish adding the Conversion Rules.