Log > Categories
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Dropped TCP Legacy Logs blocked incoming TCP connections
Dropped UDP Legacy Logs blocked incoming UDP packets
Dynamic Address
Extended Logs Dynamic Address Object (DAO) activity
Firewall Event Extended Logs internal firewall activity
Firewall Hardware Extended Logs firewall hardware error events
Firewall Logging Extended Logs general events and errors
Firewall Rule Extended Logs firewall rule modifications
FTP Extended Logs FTP sessions and activity
GMS Extended Logs GMS status event
High Availability Extended Logs High Availability activity
IPcomp Extended Logs IP compression activity
Intrusion Prevention Extended Logs intrusion prevention related activity
L2TP Client Extended Logs L2TP client activity
L2TP Server Extended Logs L2TP server activity
Multicast Extended Logs multicast IGMP activity
Network Extended Logs network ARP, fragmentation, and MTU activity
Network Access Extended Logs network and firewall protocol access activity
Network Debug Legacy Logs NetBIOS broadcasts, ARP resolution problems, and NAT resolution
problems. Also, detailed messages for VPN connections are displayed to assist
the network administrator with troubleshooting problems with active VPN
tunnels. Network Debug information is intended for experienced network
Network Monitor Extended Logs Network Monitor traffic
Network Traffic Expanded Logs network traffic reporting events
PPP Extended Logs generic PPP activity
PPP Dial-Up Extended Logs PPP dial-up activity
PPPoE Extended Logs PPPoE activity
PPTP Extended Logs PPTP activity
RBL Extended Logs real-time black list activity
RIP Extended Logs RIP activity
Extended Logs RADIUS and LDAP server activity
RF Monitoring Extended Logs wireless RF monitoring activity
Security Services Extended Logs security services activity
SonicPoint Extended Logs SonicPoint activity
SonicPointN Extended Logs SonicPointN activity (using 802.11n wireless)
SSLVPN Extended Logs SSLVPN and virtual office activity
SSO Agent
Extended Logs Single Sign On (SSO) agent authentication attempts and activity
Log Type Category Description