
routines. They can run on different computers with
little or no modification.
PDS. partitioned data set. A data set in direct access
storage that is divided into partitions, called
members, each of which can contain a program, part
of a program, or data. Contrast with sequential data
PDSE. partitioned data set extended. A
system-managed data set that contains an indexed
directory and members that are similar to the
directory and members of partitioned data sets. A
PDSE can be used instead of a partitioned data set.
peer. (1) In network architecture, any functional unit
that is in the same layer as another entity. (2) A
corresponding node or entity.
physical IOCS (PIOCS). Supervisory routines that
schedule and supervise the execution of channel
programs. Physical IOCS controls the actual transfer
of records between external storage and main
storage, and provides I/O device error recovery.
physical record. (1) A record whose characteristics
depend on the manner or form in which it is stored,
retrieved, or moved. A physical record may contain
all or part of one or more logical records. (2) The
amount of data transferred to or from auxiliary
storage. Synonymous with block.
portability. (1) The capability of a program to be
executed on various types of data processing systems
without converting it to a different language and with
little or no modification. (2) The ability to run a
program on more than one computer without
modifying it. (3) Synonymous with transportability.
POWER. A VSE program used to spool input and
output. It also allows exchange of files with, or job
runs on, a remote processor Originally an acronym
for Priority Output Writer Execution and Reader.
procedure. A named block of code that can be
invoked, usually via a call.
PR/SM. Processor Resource / Systems Manager
precompile. To process programs containing SQL
statements before they are compiled. SQL statements
are replaced with statements that will be recognized
by the host language compiler. The output from this
precompile includes source code that can be
submitted to the compiler and used in the bind
preventive maintenance. (1) Maintenance performed
specifically to prevent faults from occurring. (2)
Contrast with corrective maintenance.
private address space. An address space assigned to
a particular user.
problem determination. The process of determining
the source of a problem; for example, a program
component, machine failure, telecommunication
facilities, user or contractor-installed programs or
equipment, environmental failure such as a power
loss, or user error.
procedural language. A programming language in
which computations are expressed in terms of
statement sequences; for example, Pascal. Synonym
for procedure-oriented language.
procedure. In a programming language, a block, with
or without formal parameters, whose execution is
invoked by means of a procedure call.
procedure library. A program library in direct access
storage with job definitions. The reader/interpreter
can be directed to read and interpret a particular job
definition by an execute statement in the input
processor storage. (1) The storage provided by one
or more processing units. (2) In virtual storage
systems, synonymous with real storage.
PROCLIB. procedure library. A program library in
direct access storage with job definitions. The
reader/interpreter can be directed to read and
interpret a particular job definition by an execute
statement in the input stream.
program. A sequence of instructions suitable for
processing by a computer. Processing may include
the use of an assembler, a compiler, an interpreter, or
a translator to prepare the program for execution, as
well as to execute it.
program offering. An unwarranted licensed program.
See also vendor-logo product.
program product. Deprecated term for licensed
programmer logical unit. In VSE, a logical unit
available primarily for user-written programs.
programming language. An artificial language for
expressing computer programs.
programming system. (1) In a programming
environment, the software required for the
development and use of computer programs. (2) In a
data processing system, the software needed to use
one or more programming languages.
PSF. Print Services Facility. A licensed program that
manages and controls the input data stream and
output data stream required by supported IBM page
printers. PSF combines print data with other
resources and printing controls to produce AFP
output. There are PSF products for MVS (OS/390),
VSE, RS/6000 and OS2 platforms.
Glossary 577