
Job Entry Subsystem. An MVS subsystem that
receives jobs into the system, converts them to
internal format, selects them for execution, processes
their output, and purges them from the system. In an
installation with more than one processor, each JES2
processor independently controls its job input,
scheduling, and output processing.
job step. You enter a program into the operating
system as a job step. A job step consists of the job
control statements that request and control execution
of a program and request the resources needed to
run the program. A job step is identified by an EXEC
statement. The job step can also contain data needed
by the program. The operating system distinguishes
job control statements from data by the contents of
the record.
job stream. The sequence of representation of jobs
or parts of jobs to be performed, as submitted to an
operating system. Synonymous with input stream, run
journaling. The process of recording changes made
in a physical file member in a journal. Journaling
allows the programmer to reconstruct a physical
member by applying the changes in the journal to a
saved version of the physical file member.
Julian date. As a general term used widely in
computer programming and this document: A date in
the format YYDDD. A date format that contains the
year in positions 1 and 2, and the day in positions 3
through 5. The day is represented as 1 through 366,
right adjusted, padded with zeroes on the left. For
example, 1996-August-29 is 96242.
However, the above definition is accurately referred
to as the Ordinal Day of Year date, and an accurate
definition of Julian Day Number is as follows:
The astronomical system that counts the days since
the First of January in the year 4713 BCE (the year
4712 before the common era). This scheme was
invented by the astronomer Joseph Scaliger in the
16th century and named by him for his father Julius.
The leap year reforms implicit in the new scheme
were adopted at the command of Pope Gregory XIII in
the year 1582 - hence the Gregorian Calendar. The
Gregorian, or New Style, calendar was adopted in
Britain and their colonies in September of 1752.
(September of that year was missing 11 days. The
14th followed the 2nd.)
The remainder left when dividing the Julian Day
Number by 7 indicates the day of week of the
specified date. Zero corresponds to Monday, 1 to
Tuesday, up through 6 for Sunday.
For example, 1996-Aug-29 is equivalent to Julian Day
2450325. Further, the hour of the day is expressed as
a decimal such that 2450325.5 is midnight
1996-Aug-29, based on the fact that a Julian Day
begins at midday (noon).
key field. (1) In VSAM, a field, located in the same
position in each record of a file or data set, whose
content is used for the key of a record. (2) In IMS/VS,
the field in a database segment used to store
segment occurrences in sequential ascending order. A
key field is also a search field. Synonymous with
sequence field.
key-sequenced data set (KSDS). A VSAM file or data
set whose records are loaded in key sequence and
controlled by an index.
label area. Synonym for label information area
label information area. In VSE, an area on a direct
access storage device that stores label information
read from job control statements or commands.
Synonymous with label area.
Leap year. A year either evenly divisible by 400 or
evenly divisible by 4 and not evenly divisible by 100.
For example, the years 1700, 1800, 1900, and 1995 are
not leap years, but the years 1600, 1996, and 2000 are
leap years.
librarian. In VSE, the set of programs that maintains,
services, and organizes the system and private
library member. In VSE, the smallest unit of data
that can be stored into and retrieved from a
licensed program (LP). A separately priced program
and its associated materials that bear an IBM
copyright and are offered to customers under the
terms and conditions of either the Agreement for IBM
Licensed Programs (ALP) or the IBM Program License
Agreement (PLA).
Lilian date. The number of days since
1582-October-14. 1582-October-15 is Lilian day 1,
1582-October-16 is Lilian day 2, and so on. (Named for
Aloysius Lilius (an advisor to Pope Gregory XIII) who,
together with his brother, constructed the current
Gregorian calendar.)
link pack area (LPA). In OS/390, an area of main
storage containing reenterable routines from system
libraries. Their presence in main storage saves
loading time.
linkage editor. A program that resolves
cross-references between separately assembled
object modules and then assigns final addresses to
create a single relocatable load module. The linkage
editor then stores the load module in a program
library in main storage.
574 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook