Chapter 32. Conversion Process
Converting a data processing installation from VSE/ESA to OS/390 is a complex
process that affects all areas of an installation. Personnel must learn different
procedures; operations work changes in many ways and applications that run
under VSE require conversion before they run under OS/390. Even managing the
migration project, which includes planning, allocating people and resources and
tracking the migration process, is a complex job.
Migration includes the entire process of moving your installation from VSE to
MVS. Conversion deals with the changes that an application running under VSE
requires to enable it to run under MVS.
This chapter:
provides high level information about the conversion process
directs the reader to resources for additional high level information
summarizes the information of the preceding chapters
Major migration tasks and where task information resides in this book:
Planning and installing the MVS system.
Refer to Chapter 25, “Prepare the Migration Environment” on page 401.
Training personnel to work on the OS/390 system.
Refer to 2.6, “Educational Requirements” on page 31.
Refer to Chapter 27, “Orienting ICCF Users to TSO/ISPF” on page 437.
Refer to Chapter 28, “Orientation to OS/390 Console Operation” on
page 443.
Refer to Chapter 29, “Orientation for Utilities” on page 455.
Refer to Appendix A, “Education Information” on page 535.
Each chapter contains information on personnel, training or OS/390 system
Analyzing migration requirements and developing a migration plan that is
specific for this site.
Refer to 2.7, “Scope of Work and Challenges” on page 32.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Developing the Plan” on page 41.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Developing the Plan” on page 41 and Appendix A
of the
MVS Migration System - Planning Guide
, SB11-8077.
Analyzing the VSE workload and developing a complete list of the
applications to be converted.
Refer to 2.7, “Scope of Work and Challenges” on page 32.
Refer to 32.4, “Preparation Phases” on page 493.
Developing standards for application conversion that reflect your standards
for the new OS/390 system.
Refer to 3.3.7, “Standardized Conversion Deliverables and Automation”
on page 51.
Refer to 5.2, “Data Set Naming Considerations” on page 99.
Refer to 25.4, “Set Up Standards, Procedures, and Documentation” on
page 407.
Refer to Appendix C, “DFSMS Naming Conventions” on page 543.
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