Chapter 10. POWER and JES2
10.1 JES2 Introduction
VSE uses POWER as a spooling system. MVS uses either JES2 or JES3 as
spooling systems. This chapter only addresses migrations from POWER to JES2.
While POWER and JES2 are similar in their overall function, they are very
different in design and specific implementations. Because of these differences in
processing spool output, you may have to redesign some of your output
procedures when migrating to MVS.
No attempt is made here to discuss the many advanced functions available in
JES2. You should learn them from JES2 education classes and the JES2
publication library. What will be addressed will be a comparison of POWER
functions and their JES2 equivalents as appropriate.
The chapter is divided into four sections:
1. The first section introduces the major POWER and JES2 functional
differences, including migration considerations.
2. The second section describes significant tasks required to implement JES2.
3. The third section compares the functions and capacity of POWER and JES2 in
more detail.
4. The fourth section shows a detailed mapping of POWER parameters, exits
and commands to their JES2 counterparts.
10.1.1 Major Differences
There are some major POWER unique functions, which, if used, will have to be
accomplished in some other way in MVS. The following lists these functions and
possible MVS alternate suggestions. KEEP Disposition for Pre-Execution Jobs
In POWER, the user can specify that an input job be kept. Thus after the job is
executed, it still remains in the POWER spool, for submission over and over.
In JES2 there is no KEEP disposition for spooled input jobs, as there is for
SYSOUT data sets. Possible solutions in MVS to accomplish retaining submitted
jobs include:
Append a jobstep to the end of these jobs to resubmit themselves in
TYPRUN=HOLD condition.
Use a standard automated job scheduling package, such as OPC/ESA.
With SDSF and ISPF, you can edit the job′s JCL and resubmit the job, as long
as it has not been purged from the JES2 spool. (Keep some output around so
it is not purged.)
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