In OS/390 Language Environment a sample job, CEEWHLLX, is provided that
contains an SMP/E USERMOD to replace the IBM-supplied HLL user exit with
your HLL user exit. Abnormal Termination Exits
Language Environment provides the ability to invoke an abnormal termination
exit before it terminates a thread due to an unhandled condition of severity 2 or
greater. This allows an abnormal termination exit to collect problem
determination data before Language Environment frees the resources it has
Abnormal termination exits can be invoked in CICS or non-CICS. You can code
your own abnormal termination exits. In LE/VSE this is described in the
Installation and Customization Guide
. In OS/390 Language Environment this is
described in
OS/390 Language Environment Customization
In OS/390 Language Environment (as with LE/VSE 1.1) no default or sample
abnormal termination exits are supplied. Abnormal Termination Exits and LE/VSE 1.4 and Later
In LE/VSE 1.4 and later releases, default abnormal termination exits are
supplied. These are CEEBDATX for batch and CEECDATX for CICS. CEEBDATX
is a null module that immediately returns to the caller when invoked. CEECDATX
issues abend 4039 when an unhandled condition occurs of severity 2 or greater.
In LE/VSE 1.4 and later releases, sample source programs are supplied that can
be used as examples of how to write an abnormal termination exit. These are
CEEBBATX.A and CEEBNATX.A. CEEBBATX.A is a batch abnormal termination
exit that produces a system dump when invoked. CEEBNATX.A is a batch or
CICS exit that does nothing but return to the caller when invoked.
17.5.3 Callable Services and Math Services
All LE/VSE callable services and math services are also provided in OS/390. The
use of callable and math services in OS/390 Language Environment is described
in the
OS/390 Language Environment Programming Reference
If you use LE/VSE callable services, there is one important fact of which you
should be aware. Some LE/VSE callable services have names beginning with
CEE5. The corresponding OS/390 Language Environment callable services have
names beginning with CEE3. For example, the callable service in LE/VSE, to set
the heading displayed at the top of the options report, is CEE5RPH. The
corresponding OS/390 Language Environment callable service is CEE3RPH.
There are 14 such callable services. They are listed in Figure 56 on page 366. If
you have used any of these callable services in your programs, you must change
their names in your source code when you transfer the code to OS/390, and you
must recompile your source code there. You cannot use the OS/390 Language
Environment names in your VSE/ESA code, you cannot use the LE/VSE names in
your OS/390 Language Environment code, and you cannot ship the compiled
object code from VSE/ESA to OS/390 for link-editing there.
Chapter 17. Language Environment (LE) 365