logo Recovery/SRC
This is the basic service provided by SRC. The basic recovery utilizes a
proprietary technology that generates the source code from the load module
supplied by the client. Data names and labels within the programs recovered are
generic. Rename/SRC
This is a service that is sold in addition to the basic recovery service
(Recovery/SRC). The renaming service matches client-provided copybooks to the
data definitions generated by the recovery technology. The source returned to
the client will contain the original data names as defined in the copybook where
appropriate. Reconcile/SRC
This service is sold in addition to the basic recovery service (Recovery/SRC).
The reconciling service blends client provided versions of the source program
with the program generated by the recovery technology. The source returned to
the client will contain appropriately matched data names, labels and original
comments based on the client provided version of the source program. VersionMatch/SRC
This service is offered separately from the other recovery services. The purpose
of VersionMatch/SRC is to match source code to load modules. SRC will
respond with a written report that identifies which version of source matches the
load module. If no match is found, the client is afforded the option of requesting
SRC to provide additional recovery or reconciliation services as defined above.
The Source Recovery Company can recover code written in any version of IBM
Assembler or COBOL. Part of the process allows for discovering in just which
version of these languages the source code was originally written, and they will
return it to you in the original flavorof that language. In fact they are always
looking for older versions of compilers, and if you have one, theyd like to hear
from you. A COBOL Recovery Example
Since the compiler does not store any of the original data or paragraph names in
the object module, Recovery/SRC must build generic names. The names
generated are based upon where the item is located in the program (such as,
WSfor an item in Working Storage, followed by a hexadecimal number
representing the items displacement from the beginning of the record).
Rename/SRC and Reconcile/SRC are additional and optional services offered to
enhance the actual datanames in the recovered source code. Original Program Source Code Example
For information about source code recovery and an example of a program
recovered by The Source Recovery Company in COBOL, see the Internet at:
526 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook