TEST The IBM defaults for the TEST option differ between LE/VSE 1.1,
LE/VSE 1.4 and OS/390 Language Environment. They are:
LE/VSE 1.1
LE/VSE 1.4
OS/390 Language Environment
You should read the
OS/390 Language Environment Programming
for information about the TEST option in OS/390
Language Environment.
Note: If you are migrating from LE/VSE 1.1, you should check
your use of the TEST option carefully. In LE/VSE 1.1 the TEST
option is syntax-checked only, and has no effect on the
application. In OS/390 Language Environment this is not the
The RPTOPTS and RPTSTG options produce different reports in OS/390
Language Environment to the reports produced in LE/VSE.
RPTOPTS There are more options in OS/390 Language Environment than in
LE/VSE. Therefore the options report produced by the RPTOPTS in
OS/390 Language Environment will be larger than the
corresponding report from LE/VSE.
RPTSTG The report produced by the RPTSTG option in OS/390 Language
Environment has more information than the corresponding report
produced in LE/VSE. This extra information is due to:
Two more storage-type options in OS/390 Language
Environment, NONIPTSTACK and THREADHEAP. The storage
reports have information for these options.
OS/390 Language Environment support for multithreading and
multiple enclaves (see 17.1.2, “Conceptual Differences
between LE/VSE and OS/390 Language Environment” on
page 352). The storage report from OS/390 Language
Environment has extra information for these facilities. Run-time Options and LE/VSE 1.1
The following options were available in LE/VSE 1.1 to provide compatibility with
OS/390 Language Environment. They were syntax-checked and had no effect on
the application. They were removed in later releases of LE/VSE but are available
in the current release of OS/390 Language Environment. If you used them in your
LE/VSE 1.1 applications you should remove them or review their usage carefully.
They are:
Chapter 17. Language Environment (LE) 361