also build lists of personal data sets. Personal data set lists are a good way
to group (by project, for example) those data sets that you use frequently.
Ability to run foreground and batch processors such as Assembler H, VS
COBOL, VS FORTRAN, PL/I optimizing compiler, Binder/Linkage editor,
C/370, REXX/370, and C/C++ for MVS/ESA.
Ability to test individual dialog elements and complete dialogs using ISPF′s
Dialog Test option.
Ability to keep statistics about each data set member including which user
updated it, date it was created, date and time it was changed.
Ability to see and work with the data sets which are allocated to your TSO
user ID using the ISPF ISRDDN program. Although ISRDDN is considered a
diagnostic tool, you may find it very useful in many situations, such as:
− viewing allocations including data set characteristics,
− editing, viewing, browsing allocated data sets,
− freeing allocations,
− compressing allocated partitioned data sets,
− querying ENQs against a data set,
− locating where a member exists in a concatenation.
For more information about these features and functions see the
s Guide
SDSF Guide and Reference
For the latest ISPF release features, hints and tips, free software, ISPF
newsletters, and information on how to access ISPF forums, visit the ISPF Web
27.1.1 Editing Data Sets
While TSO provides an editor, it is rarely used; most editing of data sets is done
using the ISPF editor. The ISPF editor edits both sequential and partitioned data
sets, with the majority of activities centered around partitioned data sets. The
system programmer can easily edit system data sets such as SYS1.PARMLIB,
while development programmers can edit program source. Production control
personnel can edit job and PROCedure data sets. The ISPF editor has a program
interface so that the edit function is available from any ISPF dialog with a custom
Edit provides functions such as:
locating a particular line in the data,
submitting edit data as a job stream for background execution,
setting RECOVERY mode on so that edit keeps track of any changes that you
make while editing data and if a system crash occurs, you will be able to
recover and continue editing from the last interaction,
saving the data without ending the edit session,
canceling edit without saving the data,
using the COMPARE command to compare, display, and merge differences
between the data being edited and another file,
438 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook