
Driver: This component reads the COBOL source program, extracts copy
members from the input source file, and executes the conversion process
according to the corresponding compiled LCPs.
The driver produces four types of output:
New COBOL source code in new source library (optional).
New COBOL copy module in new copy library (optional).
COBOL source statement diagnostic listing.
Conversion management report data.
The diagnostic listing is a statement-by-statement log showing the result of the
conversion process.
An analysis is made to ensure that user-defined names do not conflict with
words newly reserved for the new COBOL language. Where conflicts appear, a
two-character suffix is appended to the user name. This suffix can be modified by
the user.
Conversion management report programs can be executed on request to provide
the status of each converted program, and tell when it was converted, and
whether user involvement is required. A where-usedlist of copy modules, files,
and CALL statements can also provided. These reports provide an excellent
cross reference.
33.2.4 SISRO - CORTEX-Migration System (CORTEX-MS)
SISRO designs, develops and commercializes computer automation software
products which make it possible to drive and monitor computer systems, while
planning processing and managing data.
The CORTEX and JobServe products (for mainframes and distributed
environments, respectively) provide solutions that are modular, user-friendly and
based on innovative technology, which is a guarantee of openness.
SISRO has nurtured close partnerships with many leading actors in the computer
market, notably with Microsoft (Solution Provider since 1992), IBM (S390/PID and
SDP Associate), DEC (Member of ASAP program), and Oracle (Member of Oracle
Value Service Program).
SISROs software packages are marketed worldwide via a network of distributors
and integrators, and through subsidiaries in Europe and the United States.
The CORTEX-MS product uses the mass migration method. Mass conversion
automation is the result of six software components designed for conversion of
VSE production applications to OS/390. All the components are menu driven
through TSO/ISPF panels.
For more information contact SISRO at
1. website www.sisro.com, or
2. by phone in the US at 919-460-9870.
524 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook