
multivolume file. A file contained on more than one
storage medium.
NetView DM. IBM NetView Distribution Manager.
network definition. In VTAM, the process of defining
the identities and characteristics of each node in the
network and the arrangement of the nodes in that
network management. The process of planning,
organizing, and controlling a communications-oriented
network resource. In ACF/VTAM, a network
component such as a local network control program,
SDLC data link, or peripheral node. In multiple-domain
networking, cross-domain resource managers
(CDRMs) and logical units (LUs) in other domains are
also network resources.
network topology. The schematic arrangement of the
links and nodes of a network.
node. An endpoint of a link or a junction common to
two or more links in a network. Nodes can be
processors, communication controllers, cluster
controllers, or terminals. Nodes can vary in routing
and other functional capabilities. (6) In VTAM, a point
in a network defined by a symbolic name. See major
node, minor node.
nonstandard labels. Labels that do not conform to
American National Standard or IBM standard label
Object Access Method (OAM). In the IBM ImagePlus
system, a program that provides object storage,
object retrieval, and object storage hierarchy
management. The Object Access Method isolates
applications from storage devices, storage
management, and storage device hierarchy
object code. Output from a compiler or assembler
which is itself executable machine code or is suitable
for processing to produce executable machine code.
object module. (1) All or part of an object program
sufficiently complete for linking. Assemblers and
compilers usually produce object modules. (2) A set of
instructions in machine language produced by a
compiler from a source program.
object program. (1) A target program suitable for
execution. An object program may or may not require
linking. (2) Contrast with source program.
open. The function that connects a file to a program
for processing.
operating system (OS). Software that controls the
execution of programs and that may provide services
such as resource allocation, scheduling, input/output
control, and data management. Although operating
systems are predominantly software, partial hardware
implementations are possible.
operator console. A display console used for
communication between the operator and the system,
used primarily to specify information concerning
application programs and I/O operations and to
monitor system operation.
option. A specification in a statement that may be
used to influence the execution of the statement.
Ordinal Day of Year. See Julian Date
output area. An area of storage reserved for output.
output class. In OS/390, one of up to 36 different
categories, defined at an installation, to which output
data produced during a job step can be assigned.
When an output writer is started, it can be directed to
process from one to eight different output data
output data set. A data set that contains data that is
to be printed or displayed.
output file. (1) A file that has been opened in order
to allow records to be written. (2) Contrast with input
overlay structure. A graphic representation showing
the relationships of segments of an overlay program
and how the segments are arranged to use the same
main storage area at different times.
parameter list. A list of values that provides a
means of associating addressability of data defined in
a called program with data in the calling program. It
contains parameter names and the order in which
they are to be associated in the calling and called
partition. In VSE, a division of the virtual address
area that is available for program execution.
partitioned data set (PDS). A data set in direct
access storage that is divided into partitions, called
members, each of which can contain a program, part
of a program, or data. Synonymous with program
Pascal. A high-level, general-purpose programming
language, related to ALGOL. Programs written in
Pascal are block structured, consisting of independent
576 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook