Conversion Phases
Initial Trial Conversion
Regression Testing and Repeated Trial Conversions
Implementation Phases
Actual Conversion and Switchover
Initial OS/390 Operations
This chapter will address these phases along with the key tasks to be completed
in those phases. This chapter has been sectioned as follows:
32.1, “Conversion Process Introduction” on page 482
32.2, “Mass Conversion - Background, Benefits and Method” on page 486
32.3, “Mass Conversion Phase Overview” on page 493
32.4, “Preparation Phases” on page 493
32.5, “Conversion Phases” on page 503
32.6, “Implementation Phases” on page 515
32.1.1 References
These materials provide sources of supplemental information for this chapter.
MVS Migration System - Planning Guide
, SB11-8077 describes the planning
process for the MVS-MS. This guide is for the people who are responsible for
planning and scheduling the migration and fitting the conversion that
MVS-MS performs into the migration schedule. It is the basic book for the
project manager and every technical person involved in planning and
running both the migration and the conversion.
MVS Migration System - General Information
, GB11-8074 provides an
overview of the IBM MVS Migration System and is for the people at an
installation who will decide if MVS-MS will work for a particular environment.
It describes both the advantages and limitations of MVS-MS, presents
information on how MVS-MS works, and identifies some specific early
planning concerns.
MVS Migration System - Planning Chart
, SB11-8090 displays the standard
conversion tasks and subtasks relative to their duration and relationship to
each other.
MVS MS - Production Standards
, LB11-8080, is for the migration team
members most concerned with defining the target MVS environment. It
presents general information on MVS and detailed information on the areas
in which your installation must establish production standards.
Chapter 34, “Customer Migration Example” on page 529 provides an
overview of a customer migration. It also includes discussion on the use of a
two phased approach to a migration project and migration services
IBM White Paper Appendix C, “DFSMS Naming Conventions” on page 543
provides information on OS/390 data set naming conventions.
IBM Washington System Center Flash # 9741
, which can be accessed through
IBMLINK, provides information on VSAM catalog limitations in OS/390 after
Year 2000.
33.2, “Conversion Tools” on page 520 provides information about conversion
service providers and conversion tools
Chapter 32. Conversion Process 483