
One of the reasons why TCP/IP is so popular is that there are many simple and
useful standard applications available. The TCP/IP on VSE/ESA for example
provides standard applications such as Telnet, FTP, LPR/LPD and the HTTP Web
Using these standard TCP/IP applications and standard TCP/IP APIs for user
written applications also allows an easy migration from one TCP/IP platform to
The VSE products on which the following migration discussion is based are
TCP/IP for VSE/ESA 1.3 (which comes with VSE/ESA 2.3) and TCP/IP for VSE 1.3
from Connectivity Systems Inc..
The migration target system is OS/390 R3 with TCP/IP OpenEdition, OS/390 V2R4
with TCP/IP UNIX Services or the soon to come OS/390 V2R5 with eNetwork
Communications Server for OS/390 V2R5 which includes TCP/IP.
All the standard TCP/IP applications such as Telnet, FTP, LPR/LPD or HTTP that
are available with TCP/IP on VSE are also part of TCP/IP on OS/390. Since,
generally speaking, TCP/IP functions on VSE are a subset of those on OS/390,
migration from TCP/IP for VSE to TCP/IP on OS/390 can be accomplished without
loss of functionality in most cases.
The topics you should look into if you want to migrate from a TCP/IP
for VSE environment to TCP/IP on OS/390 include:
network attachments and definitions required to communicate with other
TCP/IP systems
TCP/IP configuration
TCP/IP related user data
your TCP/IP batch jobs
your own TCP/IP based application programs
TCP/IP security.
In the next sections each of these topics will be addressed at a general level. No
detailed checklist or migration guidelines are provided. This would go beyond
the scope of this documentation. The purpose of this discussion is to make you
aware of the areas which need to be studied in detail when you intend to
9.4.1 Network Definitions
The connectivity/network attachments supported by TCP/IP on OS/390 is a
superset of what is supported by TCP/IP for VSE. This is why your networking
environment basically does not have to be changed. However, since OS/390
TCP/IP supports more communication interfaces, your network can be changed
or extended for example by an IBM 3746 attachment.
As on VSE/ESA, all the network attachments to be used by TCP/IP have to be
defined to the OS/390 operating system first. The network attachments (for
example CTCA, IBM3172, OSA-2) need to be defined before they can be specified
in the TCP/IP configuration.
194 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook