15.6.3 PLICANC
Another possibility offered in the MVS PL/I optimizer is the ability to annul a
request for an automatic restart. The function PLICANC provides this service.
In checkpoint-restart MVS PL/I offers more facilities than DOS PL/I. The
conversion of PL/I programs poses few syntax problems. On the other hand, to
take advantage of automatic restart, some additional work will be necessary in
the logic of the program.
15.7 DUMP in PL/I Optimizer
15.7.1 Output File
The PL/I optimizer possesses its own dump routines. They present a number of
advantages over the dumps provided by the operating system. Among others,
they trace the PL/I control blocks (TCA, DSA and so on). In MVS PL/I optimizer,
the dump is edited on a particular file whose DDNAME is PLIDUMP. In DOS this
dump is produced on SYSLST. It is therefore necessary to provide a //PLIDUMP
DD control statement in the JCL. If this is absent, the dump is not produced and
a message is produced by MVS indicating that
Note that the PLIDUMP file is also used for data requested by the COUNT and
REPORT options. Do not suppress the storage report produced by the REPORT
option by omitting the PLIDUMP DD card; use NOREPORT to suppress this
15.7.2 Options Specific to DOS
The option D (and ND), which asks for information on the opened files and on the
modules associated with them, does not exist in MVS. Only the option F (and NF)
exists. In practice this trace of called modules is necessary in DOS, because the
loading of modules from the TRANSIENT LIBRARY is done by PL/I, which implies
that only PL/I knows which modules are loaded. In MVS, the load list keeps track
of loaded modules and the option PLIDUMP (TRACE) produces a list of these
The options 48 and 60 request the PL/I dump routines to use different translation
tables; there is no equivalent in MVS.
The option R (and NR), which in DOS allows the collection of data on the
management of storage, is not required in MVS while calling DUMP, but is
replaced by the execution option REPORT (and NOREPORT).
The option Q does not exist and has no equivalent in MVS. In DOS it allows a
more succinct dump, consisting of a DOS PDUMP of all of PL/I′s storage. It is
used when the 10K or so of storage needed by normal PL/I DUMP is not
Chapter 15. PL/I 343