
perform a DFSORT COPY function to copy the temporary data set back into
the original SORTIN VSAM data set.
2. Sorting multiple VSAM data sets in the same step.
VSE SORTs allow multiple inputs through multiple SORTIN(n) DLBL or TLBL
statements. DFSORT allows only one input to sort, the SORTIN DD statement.
Through OS/390 JCL, multiple sequential data sets may be concatenated, but
VSAM data sets may not be concatenated. A circumvention would be to use
VSAM REPRO to copy the VSAM data sets to one or more temporary
sequential data sets. Another circumvention would be to perform multiple
sorts each using a single VSAM data set as input to each sort step and then
perform a single merge to merge the data sets to produce a single sorted
output file. Still another solution would be to write a sort exit that performs
the input processing and passes the records to DFSORT.
132 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook