Chapter 12. COBOL
12.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces IBM COBOL for OS/390 and VM (program number
5648-A25), which is the COBOL compiler available with OS/390. It also outlines
the differences between the three COBOL compilers that are available on VSE
and COBOL for OS/390 and VM.
Various strategies for converting your VSE COBOL applications to OS/390 are
considered. These strategies depend on the COBOL compiler you use on your
VSE system.
The three COBOL compilers available on VSE are:
program number 5746-CB1
program number 5668-958
program number 5686-068
In addition, methods of solving problems, which can arise during a VSE to
OS/390 conversion of COBOL programs, are considered.
The information presented in this chapter is not sufficient by itself to carry out a
successful conversion from COBOL under VSE to COBOL for OS/390 and VM.
You should study carefully the publications referred to in Table 32 on page 252
for more information. This chapter is intended to draw attention to the more
obvious problems that can arise in such a conversion.
For information on which COBOL runs on which host operating system, see
Table 34 on page 351.
12.1.1 General Comments on COBOL for OS/390 and VM
COBOL for OS/390 and VM is the COBOL compiler for your OS/390 system.
COBOL for OS/390 and VM enhances the COBOL object-oriented support for
OS/390 that was introduced in IBM COBOL for MVS & VM. COBOL for OS/390
and VM is based on IBM COBOL for MVS & VM, and includes such features as
COBOL ANSI 85 Standard Language Support, intrinsic functions, Year 2000
Support, interlanguage communications, and the mainframe interactive debug
tool full-function offering.
COBOL for OS/390 and VM uses Language Environment as its run-time
environment. Language Environment provides common services and
language-specific routines in a single run-time environment for C, C++,
If you order the Full-Function feature of COBOL for OS/390 and VM, you receive
the IBM Debug Tool along with the compiler. This debugging component
provides both interactive and batch debugging capabilities on the host.
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