
Page 45
How Do I Use It?
3: Navigating with TRAX353
You can set up your route in TRAX353 in several ways:
• Ifyouneedasimpleroute(aroutewithonlyonedestination,
without any intermediate via points), you can select the
destination and start navigating to it right away
• youcanplanamulti-pointroute(availableinAdvanced
mode only)
• youcanalsoplanarouteindependentlyofyourcurrentGPS
position or even without GPS reception (available in Advanced
mode only)
Selecting the destination of a route
TRAX353 offers you several ways of choosing your destination and via
points (intermediate destinations):
• Usetheselectedlocationonthemap(theCursor)(page46).
• Enterafulladdressorapartofanaddress,forexampleastreet
name without a house number or the names of two intersecting
streets (page 46).
• Enteranaddresswithpostalcode(page55).Thiswayyoudo
not need to select the name of the settlement and the search for
street names might be faster as well.
• Useacoordinate(page60)
• Useasavedlocation:
• aFavourite(page57)
• aPOI(page57)
• theHistoryofpreviouslysetdestinationsandwaypoints
(page 59)
If you are going to use a route later, save it before you start
navigating. Tap the following buttons:
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