Page 32
How Do I Use It?
There are distance type values that can
be shown:
via point
menu (page 89).
Icon Status for More Information
GPS position
The more lit bars, the better is the GPS
Battery status The device is running on battery power.
The number of lit bars represent the
remaining capacity.
The battery is
being charged
The device is running on external power.
The battery is being charged.
Vehicle type The symbol displays the vehicle type
used for route calculation.
Using the Cursor (the selected map location)
First, place the Cursor at the desired map location with one of the following
• UsetheFindmenutoselectalocation.Themapreturnswith
the selected point (the Cursor) in the middle, and the Cursor
menu appears with the available options.
• TapthescreenandtapagaintoplacetheCursoratthedesired
location. Now tap
to open the Cursor menu.
You can perform the following actions: