Lubrication & Maintenance/250 Hour/6 Month
OURGP12,0000078 –19–31OCT06–3/3
RG8025A –UN–19JUN00
Rocker Arm Cover Oil Filler
RG8054B –UN–19JUN00
Side Oil Filler
B—Rocker Arm Cover Oil Filler
C—Side Oil Filler
9. Fill engine crankcase with correct John Deere engine
oil through rocker arm cover opening (B) or either side
oil filler (C) depending on engine application. (See
DIESEL ENGINE OIL in Fuels, Lubricants, and Coolant
Section for determining correct engine oil.)
To determine the correct oil fill quantity for your engine,
the Specifications Section of this manual.
IMPORTANT: Immediately after completing any oil
change, crank engine for 30 seconds
without permitting engine to start. This
will help insure adequate lubrication to
engine components before engine
NOTE: Crankcase oil capacity may vary slightly.
ALWAYS fill crankcase to full mark or within
crosshatch on dipstick, whichever is present. DO
NOT overfill.
10. Start engine and run to check for possible leaks.
11. Stop engine and check oil level after 10 minutes. Oil
level reading should be within crosshatch of dipstick.
DPSG,RG34710,111 –19–07JAN02–1/1
Checking Engine Mounts
Engine mounting is the responsibility of the vehicle or
generator manufacturer. Follow manufacturer’s guidelines
for mounting specifications.
IMPORTANT: Use only Grade SAE 8 or higher grade
of hardware for engine mounting.
1. Check the engine mounting bracket, vibration isolators,
and mounting bolts on support frame and engine block
for tightness. Tighten as necessary.
2. Inspect overall condition of vibration isolators, if
equipped. Replace isolators if rubber has deteriorated
or mounts have collapsed, as necessary.