38 TRACKER950 CHARTPLOTTER Installation and Operation Manual
Appendix B - Troubleshooting
This troubleshooting guide assumes that you have
read and understood this manual.
It is possible in many cases to solve difficulties
without having to send the unit back to the
manufacturer for repair. Please follow this
troubleshooting section before contacting the
nearest NAVMAN dealer.
There are no user serviceable parts. Specialised
methods and testing equipment are required to
ensure that the unit is reassembled correctly and
is waterproof. Users who service the
TRACKER950 themselves will void the warranty
(see appendix D).
Repairs to the TRACKER950 must only be carried
out by a service centre approved by Talon
Technology. If the unit must be sent to a service
centre for repair, you must send in any antennas
and fuel transducers as well.
More information can be found on our website:
1 TRACKER950 will not switch on:
a Cables not connected or plugged into wrong
sockets in display unit. Match the colours.
b Backlight too low. Turn on full (see section 2-5).
c Fuse blown or circuit breaker tripped.
d Faulty wiring.
2 TRACKER950 turns off unexpectedly:
a Power/NMEA cable not plugged in properly.
b Loose or corroded connection in Power/
NMEA cable. Check cable.
3 The language on the screen is wrong:
Choose the correct language (see section 9-
4 No GPS or DGPS fix:
a May occur occasionally if the antenna does
not have a clear view of the sky. The satellite
positions are constantly changing.
b Cables not connected or plugged into wrong
sockets in display unit. Match the colours.
5 Takes long time to get fix at startup:
5 Takes long time to get fix at startup:
6 TRACKER950 position different from same
position on local charts:
Incorrect chart datum. Select the correct
chart datum (see section 9-1).
7 TRACKER950 GPS position different from
true position by more than 10 m:
a The normal error in GPS position will exceed
10 m for about 5 % of the time.
b Under special circumstances the US
Department of Defence may introduce a
deliberate and changing error in the GPS
positions of up to 300 m (1000 ft). This is
called Selective Availability. The error is
minimised if a DGPS antenna or differential
receiver is installed.
8 TRACKER950 navigating in wrong region:
In simulation mode. Turn simulation mode off
(see section 9-7).
9 The time or date on Satellite Status screen
is wrong or off:
a No GPS or DGPS fix.
b In simulation mode. Turn simulation mode off
(see section 9-7).
c Local Time Offset is wrong. The time
displayed is UTC (GMT) from the GPS
Satellites plus the Local Time Offset. Check
that the offset is correct (see section 9-1).
You must change the Local Time Offset
when daylight saving time starts and ends.
10 Autopilot not responding to TRACKER950;
no output to radar:
NMEA output disabled. Select NMEA Output
ON in the General Setup menu (see section 9-
11 Depth not displayed:
a Set a user definable field to Depth (see
section 9-2).
b Check depth sounder is working.
12 No fuel functions available:
a Fuel kit not installed.
b Fuel functions not enabled. Set Num
Engines to 1 or 2 (see section 9-6).
c Cables not connected or plugged into wrong
sockets in display unit. Match the colours.
13 Fuel Used or Remaining seem wrong:
a The engine has been run while the
TRACKER950 is turned off and it has not
recorded the fuel use. Wire the Auto power
option (see section 10-3).
b Fuel may be surging back and forward
through a transducer in rough seas. Try
installing a one way valve between the fuel
transducer and the fuel tank.
c You have not set Tank Full or Set Remaining
every time you have refuelled.