Saving Your Present Position as a Waypoint (Quick Save Method)
To save your present position, simply press the WPT key twice. Your cur-
rent position is placed into the first available waypoint
number on the list. A message appears on the display
telling you the waypoint number it just used. This also
momentarily places you in the waypoint menu. Any-
time this menu is showing, simply press the WPT key
once and the unit will store your present position on
the waypoint list.
Every time you save a waypoint, the date and time are
logged along with the position data. It’s icon is also
placed on the plotter as shown at right. In this case,
waypoint number one was assigned when the position was saved.
Saving The Cursor Position as a Waypoint
When the cursor is showing on the plotter and you press the WPT key
twice, the cursor’s position is placed into the first available waypoint num-
ber. In the example screen shown below, the cursor is placed at the
desired location. Pressing the WPT twice causes waypoint number two to
be placed at the cursor’s crosshairs. (Waypoint 2 was the next available
waypoint number.) A message appears on the display telling you the
waypoint number it just used. Wait a few seconds and the menu will clear
automatically. Press the EXIT key to erase the cursor.