Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight the num-
bers that you need to change. Press the up or down
arrow keys to change them. After setting the time, press
the ENT key to save it.
Group K - Clock Alarm
This group has both estimated time of arrival and en
route, plus the clock and a clock alarm. To set the clock
alarm, press the MENU key while this group is show-
ing, then highlight the Clock Alm Set label and press
the right arrow key. The screen below right appears.
Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight the num-
bers in the alarm’s time. Press the up or down arrow
keys to change the numbers. After setting the alarm,
press the ENT key to save it. To turn the alarm on,
select the Clock Alm on/off from the main menu and
press the right arrow key. (Note: The unit must be on in
order for the alarm to work. If you set the alarm, then
turn the unit off, the alarm won’t sound.) To silence the
alarm, press the EXIT key.
Group L - Timers
This group has two timers, an up timer and a down
timer. The up timer starts at zero and counts up, the
down timer starts at the time you put in until it reaches
To set either timer, first press the MENU key, then high-
light the desired timer set menu. In this example, we’re
setting the countdown timer, so the DWN TIMER SET
label was selected. Now press the right arrow key. A
screen similar to the one at the top of the next page appears.