Reference Station
Configure a
modem interface
In order to use a modem for the remote interface connection, the corresponding
device has to be created on the receiver and attached to the receiver serial port. As
an example, the following step-by-step description shows how to configure a U.S.
Robotics 56k modem for port P1 on the receiver. Refer to the GPS1200 Technical
Reference Manual for more information. Refer to the manual of the modem for infor-
mation on the modem configuration.
Any other interface and operation
configuration required
Can be done using LEICA GPS Spider.
Remote interface to be configured Configure using
Step Description
1. Main Menu: Config...\Interfaces...
2. CONFIGURE Interfaces
Highlight Remote.
3. EDIT (F3) to access CONFIGURE Interfaces.
4. Highlight 1.
Remote must be displayed in column Interface. USE (F6) to display