64 Using the Expander Flash Utility
Note: XXX represents the version number of the firmware image for flash region 2.
Note: XXX represents the version number of the manufacturing image for flash region 3.
Note: 1 represents the configuration type and expander chip properties. XXX represents version
number of the manufacturing image for flash region 9.
Table 4-5. Region 2 Expander Firmware File Names
Configuration Type Firmware Image File Name Region
1 Expander A/B sas2xfwZeus_XXX.fw 2
2 Expander A/B sas2xfwZeus_XXX.fw 2
3 Expander A/B sas2xfwZeus_XXX.fw 2
4 Expander A/B sas2xfwZeus_XXX.fw 2
5 Expander A/B sas2xfwZeus_XXX.fw 2
Table 4-6. Region 3 Expander Manufacturing File Names
Configuration Type Manufacturing Image File Name Region
1 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_XXX.bin 3
2 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_XXX.bin 3
3 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_XXX.bin 3
4 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_XXX.bin 3
5 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_XXX.bin 3
Table 4-7. Region 9 Expander Manufacturing File Names
Configuration Type Manufacturing Image File Name Region
1 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_1_Region9_XXX.bin 9
2 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_2_Region9_XXX.bin 9
3 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_3_Region9_XXX.bin 9
4 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_4_Region9_XXX.bin 9
5 Expander A/B sas2xMfgZeus_5_Region9_XXX.bin 9