Cadillac SRX Navigation System (Include Mex) - 2012
Infotainment System 127
The DATABASE comprises facts
and information from government
and other sources reflecting
circumstances in existence before
you received the DATABASE, which
may contain errors and omissions.
Accordingly, the DATABASE may
contain inaccurate or incomplete
information due to the passage of
time, changing circumstances, and
due to the nature of the sources
used. The DATABASE does not
include or reflect information
relating to, among other things,
neighborhood safety; law
enforcement; emergency
assistance; construction work;
road or lane closures; vehicle or
speed restrictions; road slope or
grade; bridge height, weight or other
limits; road or traffic conditions;
special events; traffic congestion; or
travel time.
If you are an agency, department,
or other entity of the United States
Government, or funded in whole or
in part by the United States
Government, then use, duplication,
reproduction, release, modification,
disclosure or transfer of this
commercial product and
accompanying documentation, is
restricted in accordance with the
rights as described in DFARS
252.227-7014(a)(1) (JUN 1995)
(DOD commercial computer
software definition), DFARS
227.7202-1 (DOD policy on
commercial computer software),
FAR 52.227-19 (JUN 1987)
(commercial computer software
clause for civilian agencies), DFARS
252.227-7015 (NOV 1995)
(DOD technical data – commercial
items clause); FAR 52.227-14
Alternates I, II, and III (JUN 1987)
(civilian agency technical data and
noncommercial computer software
clause); and/or FAR 12.211 and
FAR 12.212 (commercial item
acquisitions), as applicable. In case
of conflict between any of the FAR
and DFARS provisions listed herein
and this Agreement, the
construction that provides greater
limitations on the Government’s
rights shall control. Contractor/
manufacturer is Tele Atlas North
America, Inc., 11 Lafayette Street,
Lebanon, NH 03766-1445. Phone:
603.643. 0330. The DATABASE is
©1984-2011 by Tele Atlas North
America, Inc. ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. For purpose of any
public disclosure provision under
any federal, state or local law, it is
agreed that the DATABASE is a
trade secret and a proprietary
commercial product and not subject
to disclosure.
If you are an agency, department,
or other entity of any State
government, the United States
Government or any other public
entity or funded in whole or in part
by the United States Government,
then you hereby agree to protect the