
When you use simple statements like these to verify assignments, you ensure that you
have connectivity between the SAS client and the SPD Server host components.
Successfully performing the LIBNAME assignments means that the network
configuration is correct and that most of the SPD Server host configuration is correct.
You will need to fill in serverNode with the network node name where the Name Server
and Data Server processes reside. This assumes you left the 'tmp' LIBNAME definition
that was included in the sample libnames.parm file you received with your
Watch the SAS log for error messages which indicate failure to properly locate one of
the required SPD Server components. The messages that you will most likely encounter
are included below.
ERROR: Module TEST not found in search paths. ERROR:
Error in the LIBNAME or FILENAME statement.
If you see this error, check the -path option is properly set to make sure you are
accessing the directory where you loaded the SAS System client-side components.
ERROR: unable to access message 608.108
If you see the following or similar errors regarding failures to access messages, check
the -sasmsg option to make sure the directory where you loaded the SAS System
message file for SPD Server components is properly set.
Once the SPD Server host LIBNAMES are assigned, you can further verify your
installation by running the sample SAS program, InstallDir\samples
\verify.sas. Submit the following SAS command to execute the test stream:
%include 'InstallDir\samples\verify.sas'\source2;
This SAS stream exercises many of the features of the SPD Server LIBNAME engine
and proxy to provide further confidence that the installation has been made correctly.
It performs a sequence of DATA and PROC steps against a generated data set and
performs self checking on the results expected from various DATA step queries of the
test data set. If any one of these queries fails to produce the expected result, the SAS
job is canceled. The job verify.sas assumes the SAS librefs TEST and TESTRL are
assigned from Step 2 above.
You should also verify that SQL Pass-Through services are working in SPD Server by
performing the following sequence of SAS commands:
%let spdshost=serverNode;
%let spdsport=port;
%include 'InstallDir\samples\verptsql.sas'\source2;
where serverNode and port are the same as in the previous LIBNAME assignment
SPD Server Command Reference
SPD Server executable files support command line options that override default features,
or supply site-dependent configuration information for the program to use. The command
options for the following programs are explained below .
48 Chapter 4 SPD Server Windows Installation Guide