If the spds* processes are not running, check the log for errors. Unless you change the log
file defaults in rc.spds, the log paths are the following:
• InstallDir/log/spdsnsrv.log
• InstallDir/log/spdsnsrv_mmddyyyy_hh:mm:ss.spdslog
• InstallDir/log/spdsserv.log
• InstallDir/log/spdsserv_mmddyyyy_hh:mm:ss.spdslog
• InstallDir/log/spdssnet.log
• InstallDir/log/spdssnet_mmddyyyy_hh:mm:ss.spdslog
If there were problems during start-up and any processes failed to initialize, terminate the
remaining SPD Server processes before re-invoking the rc.spds script. Use the killspds
shell script in the \samples directory, or terminate the process manually using the UNIX
kill command as shown in the following example:
$ kill 834 831 832 836 835
Upgrade Notice: If you upgrade from SPD Server 3.x to SPD Server 4.5, when you are
satisfied with your SPD Server installation, you should copy the libnames.parm file from
your SPD Server 3.x location to your SPD Server 4.5 location. The new libnames.parm
file overwrites the temporary file that was created when you verified your SPD Server 4.5
installation. The new file provides you with access to all of the SPD Server 3.x LIBNAME
domains from your previous environment.
Configuring SPD Server Client Software
The SPD Server client software is used to make SAS LIBNAME connections and perform
user-specified operations on the SPD Server host. The SPD Server client software is
installed with SAS 9.2, and contains the following SAS modules:
• sasspds is the LIBNAME engine that is required to access the SPD Server environment
from SAS 9.2.
• sasspdo is the SPD Server operator procedure that is required to access the SPD Server
4.5 environment from SAS 9.2.
• spds.msg is the SAS compatible message file for the SPD Server LIBNAME engine
and SPD Server operator procedure.
The SPD Server client software is installed with SAS 9.2 Foundation at <SASROOT>/
SASFoundation/9.2/spdclient. The SAS 9.2 configuration file automatically
includes your SPD Server client software directory in its required path list.
Once the SPD Server environment is configured and running, you need to complete other
installation functions on the SAS clients that will use SPD Server. This might include the
system that is actually running SPD Server. Therefore, some of these steps might have
already been performed during the installation of the SPD Server host. If so, skip the
duplicated steps.
Perform the following steps on each SAS client that will access SPD Server:
If you want to access SPD Server through a registered port (name service), add the
following service to your /etc/inet/services or /etc/services file if not
already there:
spdsname ????/tcp # SPDS Name Service
Configuring SPD Server Client Software 23